Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I sent an e-mail a few days ago that I have been told was inappropriate. Not only did some of my off -spring and their spouses think it was innappropiate, but my wife did as well. I have apologised in another forum, but I feel the need to apologize here also. I am truly sorry to/and for anyone I offended. I will do my solemn best to ensure that I never do that again.


Sorry it has been such a long time since I have posted. Naturally the fault is mine. I must admit that I am pleased that the conservatives did well in the mid-terms. I mean no personal attacks or gloating. I seriously hope all law makers, no matter their party, can conduct the peoples business, as "THE PEOPLES BUSINESS'. Lets forget labels and parties. Let them become what they were elected to be. Representatives of the people. All the people. US! This madman that shot the Democratic Congresswoman from Arizona, seems to have been exactly that, A madman.
To make this is a partisan incident or attack is a horrendous travesty of fact. More later. Love to all.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Sorry, I am usually loyal and loving to all my family. I must admit that Michael, my brother Mike, is the exception to this feeling. Actually, I find it hard to believe that we have the same Mom. His wife Cheryl and daughter Beth are great . I disagree with much of what Beth espouses, but she has always been around Mike, so she hasn't lived or experienced the real world. Unlike her father she at least has attempted to serve her country by joining the Peace Corps. (Yeah, I know, but remember, Michael is her dad.) Anyhow, he is such an Obama believer (just loves kool aid) that when I send him any e-mail quips in reference our esteemed President he gets palpitations and tells me not to include him on my "Hate mail" list. He always includes the proviso that Bush was installed in office by the Supreme Court while The One was elected in a landslide. While Mike is correct about the landslide, I can't understand why he and Obama keep denigrating President G.W. Bush rather than leading our country. I have seen President Obama ACTUALLY bow down to foreign leaders. I really don't understand why he, Harry Reid and Speaker Pilosi had to ram health care reform and a few other bills through Congress without allowing anyone, including their staff or themselves time to read and understand the LAWS they passed. I know, I'm just a dumb, retired Master Sergeant, but I ain't stoopid. Hey, it must be part of the Liberal, excuse me, the ultra liberal wing of the Democratic Party. Like the ones that scream that it is a womans RIGHT to abort an innocent baby. I'm tired. Mike might say I have too many guns and carrying them tired me out. Actually, I only have two pistols right now but if it would help Mike feel righitous, I could be convinced to get a couple more M-4 types. At least I would have dispatched that fellow who outraged Beth. No question! Cheryl, thanks for all you do out of love for Dad. Mike, thanks for the things you do for Dad for whatever reason.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Post America Obama

I can not get over the fact that "we the people" actually let this socialist be elected President of the US. WTF? He just continues to drag our country down, demean our status in the world, and tries to get us to be a part of the "World community". BS! We are, through the sacrifices of the American people, especially our military, THE leader of the FREE World. He and his minions and his handlers,(think of Mr Soros) would have us believe we are the problem rather than a humongous part of the solution. More latter.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ya know what? I wrote a very good blog a few minutes ago ref Mr Obama. Somehow it got lost in the ether. Such is life.
I am aware that there is a significant percentage of people in this country that would say that anyone against Obama was racist or against progress.
I assure you that I am neither. I am, however, anti socialist, which I believe him to be.
I honestly believe he has an agenda which would make America subservient to a WORLD Government, and that would make the US Constitution a farce and utilize EU and other rules of law and governance , including Sharia Law, the Law of our land.

Monday, August 23, 2010

blah, blah, blog...

If you know me, you know I really don't care if the President of the United States is Catholic, Episcopal, Russian Orthodox, Muslim, Baptist, or what ever. I do, however, expect him or her to be an AMERICAN. That means putting OUR agenda and morals first. Shiria law is ok for muslim countries. I personally think it is disgusting, but if you are Muslim and want to live that way in a Muslim country, fine, knock yourself out. But, if you want to live in the US. Sorry. We already have a system of jurisprudence. I know the leftist, liberal, progressives want to change it,but real Americans will not accept it. Nough for now...